More session details to follow.
Discover practical and complete examples on how to use free and available technologies for your Italian language classes at all levels. This session will guide you through complete project-based examples of interactive uses of technologies in Italian. Participants will leave with plenty of ideas for future use.
Integration of technology in Italian language classes with specific focus on interactivity, audio and video communication elements. The interactional and presentation modes will be specifically addressed during the presentation. Examples will be shown through brief lecture style presentation (using interactive sites from the Internet). Participants will also be invited to share personal ideas and one specific mini-project will be completed as a guided step-by-step demo will be shown.
I will complete this session in Italian.
I add below the list of the blogs and wikis. I have created in the past few years as a reference page for additional information about my presentation as well as key websites I regularly use to publish my work. Feel free to visit, be inspired and take as many ideas as you wish. I am always open for suggestions and share ideas.
- Il Tempo in Italia - This is the key blog I have created and completed with a number of interactive tools working together to support the learning of key words and expressions about weather in Italian.
- Blog to Print - this is a website that prints your entire blogs for you - then you can order copies of your blogs and get them shipped to your house.
- Verbi Riflessivi - IN this blog I am building basic information and tasks for my son who is studying verbs in his intermediate level class. No as sophisticated a blog as the other ones, but still a great tool to explore and check out.
- Circle Switches - This blog page showed a demo about a set of basic flash-card introduction activities that supported my instruction of methodology courses at university. It still contains ideas on how to use images and audio files to support a presentation of new vocabulary. Mainly directed at new teachers.
- I Miei Mostri - This blog shows how to read along and listen to the story I created in about monsters. It introduces vocabulary on body parts and adjectives in Italian. Easy to follow along and to demonstrate how the creation of a story can take place.
- Print What You Like - is a site that lets you literally print anything from a web page. And take away anything you do not need before you hit print. I use it often to prepare my books before I publish in
- Speed Dating Italian Lessons - This is a fun blog I created to follow along with integration of technology ideas for my methodologies class at university. It was the first experiment I used to put together fun ideas to help students work at their own pace and use technology in different fashions, but always in interactive ways.
- Techno-tools for the HL and SL Classroom - This blog is a tool I used for a workshop series I presented to HL teachers in Edmonton. I often refer to this page to show what tools are out there and how they can help teachers of languages become more effective in implementing technology in their classrooms. I also use wiki spaces to support these types of presentations.
- Paperella Languages Wiki Page - This is one of three key wikis I keep adding to, where I post lots of sample documents and files about integration of technology in SL classes. The wikis are more flexible around posting actual files which cannot be posted in blog spaces (yet!)
- Techno-tools for the SL classroom Wiki Page - this is part one of two series of workshops I hold to go into details about what techno-tools can do for our classes.
- Advanced Techno-tools for the SL Classroom. - Part Two
- SLIC 2010 - I used this blog space to go over more detailed explanations about the different tools I use for technology integration at the SLIC Conference in Edmonton, October 29-30, 2010 - use as a reference.